Goedkoop geheugen in je computer RAMmen
Hoewel Vista mij niet kon overtuigen, is er één functie die ik kan waarderen: met een externe USB-geheugenstick, kan je het RAM-geheugen omhoog krikken. Hoe meer RAM-geheugen, hoe sneller een PC draait. USB-sticks zijn momenteel heel goedkoop, ik kreeg vandaag zelfs een brief van Belgacom, dat ik gratis een stick van 1 Gb mag afhalen in ruil voor wat reclame-informatie.
Maar voor alles is er een oplossing, zo ook voor mijn dierbare XP. Laat eBoostr nu net hetzelfde doen. €16 kost dit stukje software. Je kan een trial downloaden die 4 uur werkt. Enige voorwaarde is dat je werkt met een USB2-stick, maar dat zijn praktisch alle sticks tegenwoordig.
Ik vond op het internet trouwens nog een manier om je computer te versnellen met behulp van een geheugenstick of geheugenkaart. Ik geef de tekst mee in het Engels, omdat ik geen zin heb om hem te vertalen:
You can still speed up your PC with a USB Flash drive if you're using XP. Just assign some Page File to your flash drive. Page File is like fake RAM your PC Creates using the Hard Drive. Without it, your PC would crash. However, Page File by default is extremely slow. This is because 2 reasons.
A: The Hard Drive is much slower than actual RAM
B: While reading Page File, your hard drive will also try to read the actual files that programs are using. This causes your Hard drive to go back and forth trying to read data and then process it into Page File. This is EXTREMELY slow.
You'll need:
-A PC with USB 2.0 (1.1 is way to slow)
-A High speed 1gb or greater flash drive (with speed of 10mpbs or greater)
-Make sure that you're Flash drive is fomatted and working. You need at least 512mb free (It's best to just format it and use it freely.)
-Right Click on "My Computer" and click "properties". . In properties, click "advanced", under "perfomance" click "settings", click the "advanced" tab. Under "virtual memory" click "change" WARNING, DOING THIS IMPROPERLY MAY STOP YOUR COMPUTER FROM WORKING (though it probably won't even if you mess up).
-You should see all of your drives there. Here you can manually assign page file to your diffent drives. If you want some system cache still on the hard drive, then simply reduce the "Page File Size" on C:. If you want it all on your Flash drive, click "No Paging File" and click set. It may ask you to restart your computer, DO NOT RESTART IT AT THIS TIME!
-Click on the label for your Flash Drive. More than likely, the page file will be turned off by default for this drive. Click "Custom Size" and then enter the size you want. 450MB minimum / 850MB maximum is a pretty good setting for most users (it's what I use). Click "set".
-Confirm that you have the size(s) of Page File the way you want, and NOW you can restart your computer (don't forget to press "set").
- There! All done. You'll have to keep your flash drive in the computer, but if you do it properly, Windows will be so much faster. The reason isn't because Flash memory is soooo much faster, but mostly because the Hard Drive doesn't have to do 2 jobs at once.
this should do the job mate.
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